What's New?
- Optimised for macOS Big Sur ✨
- Added support for “Work” and “Movement” Tags
- Added user preference for iTunes/Music.app metadata compatibility mode (Affecting grouping and work tags)
- New popover assistant editor for “Length” Tag
- Batch-convert between Traditional & Simplified Chinese
- Display artwork properties when hovering
- Added a “Browse” button to the artwork toolbar
- Discrete progress indicator in lower right corner of the info-bar (macOS 10.15 and later)
- Refactored Column Management Menus
- Automatic playlist export name
- “Copy” now also copies data as CSV
- Shiny new default view configurations for first timers
- Fixed a bug that caused artwork writing to fail silently on first run
- Fixed failed progress reporting when performing “Move” operations
- Fixed missing zero-padding when using “Compose Tag”
- Fixed composing an empty Tag of numeric type resulting in an interpretation error
- Fixed tracks under 1 minute long not displaying leading zeroes
- Targeted an incorrect Vorbis/APE key for “Track Title Sort”